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Liste aller Kleindenkmäler

Marker representing the location. (äußeres) Damianmarterl
Marker representing the location. (inneres) Damianmarterl
Marker representing the location. (Kuckucks-)Kreuz
Marker representing the location. 1. Seekreuz
Marker representing the location. Alte Friedhofskapelle
Marker representing the location. Antonius
Marker representing the location. Bachmeier-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Barbara
Marker representing the location. Barbara
Marker representing the location. Bärnhof
Marker representing the location. Berndlkreuz oder Herrenkreuz
Marker representing the location. Berthiller-Kapelle
Marker representing the location. Bildstock
Marker representing the location. Bildstock
Marker representing the location. Bildstock
Marker representing the location. Bildstock (sog. Rotes Kreuz)
Marker representing the location. Bildstock / 2. Seekreuz
Marker representing the location. Breitpfeiler
Marker representing the location. Brückenmarterl
Marker representing the location. Ceres
Marker representing the location. Cordula
Marker representing the location. Dachkreuz
Marker representing the location. Dachkreuz
Marker representing the location. Der Musikus
Marker representing the location. Dickes Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Dorfbrunnen
Marker representing the location. Dreifaltigkeit
Marker representing the location. Dreifaltigkeit
Marker representing the location. Dreifaltigkeit
Marker representing the location. Dreifaltigkeit
Marker representing the location. Dreifaltigkeitssäule
Marker representing the location. Eckbastion
Marker representing the location. Eder-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Eder-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Feldkreuz
Marker representing the location. Florian
Marker representing the location. Florian
Marker representing the location. Freihof oder Erbhof
Marker representing the location. Friedhofskreuz
Marker representing the location. Friedhofskreuz
Marker representing the location. Gedenkkreuz
Marker representing the location. Gedenkkreuz
Marker representing the location. Glockenturm
Marker representing the location. Grenzstein
Marker representing the location. Grenzstein
Marker representing the location. Grenzstein 1697
Marker representing the location. Hahnkreuz
Marker representing the location. Hainzl-Haus
Marker representing the location. Halmer-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Hartl-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Heiss-Kapelle
Marker representing the location. Hochkreuz
Marker representing the location. Hochwasser-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Hochwasser-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Hubertus-Bildstock
Marker representing the location. Hubertus-Kapelle
Marker representing the location. Hubertus-Kapelle
Marker representing the location. Hubertuskapelle
Marker representing the location. Johannes Nepomuk
Marker representing the location. Johannes Nepomuk
Marker representing the location. Johannes Nepomuk am Katzensprung
Marker representing the location. Jubiläums-Gedenktafel
Marker representing the location. Kapelle
Marker representing the location. Kapelle
Marker representing the location. Kathrina
Marker representing the location. Kinder: Figur Knabe
Marker representing the location. Kinder: Figur Mädchen
Marker representing the location. Köckeis-Marterl
Marker representing the location. Kommassierungs-Denkmal
Marker representing the location. Korab-Brunnen
Marker representing the location. Krautvogel
Marker representing the location. Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Kreuz am Tobel
Marker representing the location. Kriegerdenkmal
Marker representing the location. Kriegerdenkmal
Marker representing the location. Kriegerdenkmal
Marker representing the location. Kriegerdenkmal
Marker representing the location. Kriegerdenkmal
Marker representing the location. Kriegerdenkmal
Marker representing the location. Kriegerdenkmal
Marker representing the location. Kriegerdenkmal
Marker representing the location. Kriegerdenkmal
Marker representing the location. Mantler-Kapelle
Marker representing the location. Maringer-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Marktmanderl
Marker representing the location. Marterl
Marker representing the location. Marterl Roßplatz
Marker representing the location. Masken bzw. Fratzen
Marker representing the location. Mörtl-Marterl
Marker representing the location. Naz eigentlich Donatus
Marker representing the location. Ortskapelle Hl. Josef
Marker representing the location. Ortskapelle mit Glockenturm
Marker representing the location. Passecker-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Pestkreuz
Marker representing the location. Pestkreuz
Marker representing the location. Pestkreuz
Marker representing the location. Pestkreuz
Marker representing the location. Pestsäule
Marker representing the location. Pestsäule
Marker representing the location. Pestsäule oder Weißes Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Pfarrherren-Grabstein
Marker representing the location. Pfeilerbildstock
Marker representing the location. Pietà
Marker representing the location. Rugkreuz, auch Soldaten- oder Russenkreuz
Marker representing the location. Salettl im Schlossgarten
Marker representing the location. Schachinger-Kapelle
Marker representing the location. Schober-Haus
Marker representing the location. Sebastian
Marker representing the location. Seidl-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Sonnenuhr
Marker representing the location. Stadler-Marterl
Marker representing the location. Tabernakelbildstock
Marker representing the location. Tabernakelbildstock
Marker representing the location. Turm
Marker representing the location. Unfallkreuz
Marker representing the location. Ursprungskapelle
Marker representing the location. Walzer-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Weber-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Weg-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Wegkapelled
Marker representing the location. Wegkreuz
Marker representing the location. Wegkreuz
Marker representing the location. Wegkreuz
Marker representing the location. Wegkreuz
Marker representing the location. Wegkreuz
Marker representing the location. Weigl-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Weinberg-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Weisses Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Winkler-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Wirtskreuz
Marker representing the location. Woad-Kreuz
Marker representing the location. Wodak-Kapelle