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Übersichtskarte Infrastruktur

Marker representing the location. Alter Winzerkeller
Marker representing the location. Änderungsschneiderei Belinda Bayer
Marker representing the location. Apotheke „Zu Maria Trost“
Marker representing the location. Auszeit - Gästehaus und mehr
Marker representing the location. Autohaus Graf
Marker representing the location. Autohaus Klug
Marker representing the location. Bäckerei Karl Blauensteiner
Marker representing the location. Bastelwaren Inge Holzschuh
Marker representing the location. Bezirkshauptmannschaft Tulln Außenstelle Kirchberg am Wagram
Marker representing the location. Billa AG
Marker representing the location. Binder´s Imbiss KG
Marker representing the location. Bipa GesmbH
Marker representing the location. Blumenhof Floras Welten
Marker representing the location. Bücherei Kirchberg am Wagram
Marker representing the location. Christine Gmeiner - Anti Stress & Entspannungs-Spezialistin
Marker representing the location. Dachdecker und Spengler Andreas Dampier
Marker representing the location. Dachdecker und Spengler Martin Rössler
Marker representing the location. Dachdecker und Spengler Thomas Marecek
Marker representing the location. DAN Küchenstudio Thomas Kanzler
Marker representing the location. Dipl. Vet. Michaela Fischer
Marker representing the location. Dr. Andreas Rudolph
Marker representing the location. Dr. Brigitte Kleedorfer-Glanz
Marker representing the location. Dr. Helmut Wachter
Marker representing the location. Dr. Matthias Mlynek, LL.M., MBL
Marker representing the location. Dr. Med. Vet. Christa Reinthaler
Marker representing the location. E-Tankstelle Roßplatz
Marker representing the location. ECOS GmbH
Marker representing the location. Eisenhandlung Frassl
Marker representing the location. Energetik-Studio Manuela Grill
Marker representing the location. EP Kolar Andreas & Sohn GesmbH
Marker representing the location. Erich Cerny
Marker representing the location. Farbenhandlung Helfer
Marker representing the location. Faschingskostümverleih Erich Cerny
Marker representing the location. Ferienhaus Wagramperle
Marker representing the location. Ferienwohnung Familie Stuchlik
Marker representing the location. Fertigteile Jungwirth GmbH
Marker representing the location. Feuerwehr Altenwörth-Gigging
Marker representing the location. Feuerwehr Engelmannsbrunn
Marker representing the location. Feuerwehr Kirchberg am Wagram
Marker representing the location. Feuerwehr Kollserdorf Sachsendorf
Marker representing the location. Feuerwehr Mitterstockstall
Marker representing the location. Feuerwehr Neustift im Felde
Marker representing the location. Feuerwehr Oberstockstall
Marker representing the location. Feuerwehr Unterstockstall
Marker representing the location. Feuerwehr Winkl
Marker representing the location. fisch und gut
Marker representing the location. fisch und gut
Marker representing the location. Fleischhauer Kolobratnik Richard GesmbH
Marker representing the location. Fleischhauer Kolobratnik Richard GesmbH
Marker representing the location. Freiwillige Feuerwehr Kirchberg am Wagram | Wache Mallon
Marker representing the location. Friseur Alexandra Brandl
Marker representing the location. Friseur KatCut Hairstyle
Marker representing the location. Friseur Michaela Steininger
Marker representing the location. Friseur Renate Seitner
Marker representing the location. Friseurstudio Sonja | Nagaltant Bine
Marker representing the location. Gärtnerei Andrea Rauscher
Marker representing the location. Gärtnerei Erich Nagy
Marker representing the location. Gärtnerei Karin Szing - Tonis Blumenstube
Marker representing the location. Gärtnerei Wallensteiner
Marker representing the location. Gas connect Austria GmbH
Marker representing the location. Gasthaus Leopold Seidl
Marker representing the location. Gasthaus Ludwig Ehn
Marker representing the location. Gebietsvinothek Weritas
Marker representing the location. Gemeindeamt Kirchberg am Wagram
Marker representing the location. Gesundheitszentrum Region Wagram
Marker representing the location. Gisela Bitzinger Buchhandlung
Marker representing the location. Grafik Büro e2
Marker representing the location. Gut Oberstockstall
Marker representing the location. Gut Oberstockstall
Marker representing the location. Haustechnik Erich Eichinger Installationen
Marker representing the location. Heuriger Ecker Mitterstockstall
Marker representing the location. Heuriger Familie Wallner
Marker representing the location. Heuriger Franz Ploiner
Marker representing the location. Heuriger Herbert Heiss
Marker representing the location. Heuriger Karl Ecker
Marker representing the location. Heuriger Weingut Lill
Marker representing the location. Heuriger Weingut Michael Bauer
Marker representing the location. Hofbauer Franz & Gerlinde
Marker representing the location. Ich Du Wir Eltern-Kind-Zentrum
Marker representing the location. Imkerei Franz Becker
Marker representing the location. Imkerei Ing. Walter Kainberger
Marker representing the location. Installateurmeister Gugerell & Idrizi
Marker representing the location. Karl Waltner
Marker representing the location. Kaufhaus Ludwig Ehn
Marker representing the location. Kindergarten Altenwörth
Marker representing the location. Kindergarten Kirchberg am Wagram
Marker representing the location. KRAFT BAU GmbH
Marker representing the location. KVS Sansystem - Fertigbad
Marker representing the location. Land-& Gartentechnik Ortner Christoph e.U.
Marker representing the location. Lohndrusch Anton Mörtl
Marker representing the location. Lohndrusch Kolm
Marker representing the location. Mag. Franz Müller
Marker representing the location. Malerbetrieb Christian Brodesser
Marker representing the location. Malerbetrieb Martin Grill
Marker representing the location. Malerei Berndl e.U.
Marker representing the location. Manfred Weiß - Netzwerk-Service
Marker representing the location. Manuela Tesarik - D.I.B. Buchführungsbüro
Marker representing the location. Max's Kfz Technik
Marker representing the location. Meisterfloristik Astrid Wolf
Marker representing the location. MH Metall e.U
Marker representing the location. MPS Ordinationszentrum
Marker representing the location. MS Fitness
Marker representing the location. Musikschule Region Wagram
Marker representing the location. Mutter-Eltern-Beratung Kollersdorf
Marker representing the location. Nagelstudio Petra Schneider
Marker representing the location. Nagelstudios Michaela Heiss
Marker representing the location. NÖ Mittelschule Kirchberg am Wagram
Marker representing the location. Optiker Schmied
Marker representing the location. Ordination Christoph Frömel
Marker representing the location. Orthopädieschuhmacher Peter Durst
Marker representing the location. PatPic
Marker representing the location. Penny
Marker representing the location. Physiotherapie Kristin Dietrich
Marker representing the location. Physiotherapie Patrick Kyncl
Marker representing the location.
Marker representing the location. Pizza Friska
Marker representing the location. Polizeiinspektion Kirchberg am Wagram
Marker representing the location. Post Partner
Marker representing the location. Postsparkasse
Marker representing the location. Raiffeisen Lagerhaus
Marker representing the location. Raiffeisenkasse Kirchberg am Wagram
Marker representing the location. Rauchfangkehrer Andreas Moldaschl
Marker representing the location. Raumausstatter Judex
Marker representing the location. Regionalladen „VOM WAGRAM“
Marker representing the location. Rotes Kreuz Tulln - Ortsstelle Kirchberg am Wagram
Marker representing the location. Schmidatal Reisen
Marker representing the location. Schneider Events
Marker representing the location. Seidl & Walzer Betonwerke Gmbh
Marker representing the location. Shakespear Pub
Marker representing the location. SPAR Kirchberg am Wagram
Marker representing the location. Sparkasse Kirchberg am Wagram
Marker representing the location. Straßenmeisterei Kirchberg am Wagram
Marker representing the location. Struktiv
Marker representing the location. Tabakwaren & Zeitschriften Mladen Vargason
Marker representing the location. Tagesbetreuungseinrichtung “Sonnenkäfer“
Marker representing the location. Tischlerei Portas
Marker representing the location. UNIKAT Steinfiguren Holzschuh
Marker representing the location. Volksschule Kirchberg am Wagram
Marker representing the location. Weber Beton Logistik GmbH
Marker representing the location. Weinhaus Kirchberg
Marker representing the location. Weinhaus Kirchberg